Peak Performance
Peak performance is the maximum enhancement of all mental, emotional, physical and situational elements that let us optimise our performance. Performance depends on a healthy brain. So does memory, learning, attention, focus, sleep, the ability to stay calm, mood and migraines. All the ingredients of a peak performance must be recognised, assessed, developed and improved as much as possible. Anyone who wants to perform at an optimal level, whether in their studies, sports or job can benefit from Neurofeedback. For a sports competitor, as well as for a performance artist good mental function is of the utmost importance, for it will improve athletic training as much as the discipline for rehearsals. Everyone can positively be affected by enhancing the mind’s potential. If a challenge arrives on a schedule, one can prepare with remote training. When conditioning is personalized at this level, one is able to get in touch with the inner resources that will ensure peak performance. Peak Performance is essentially cardio for your neurons or, in other words, an exercise device for your brain to work out, build endurance, and top the performance of your abilities. Medications or drugs should be the last choice. Many psychological, motivation and learning issues are really brain issues. A well balanced energy, concentration, motivation, meditation they all contribute to achieve the best performance in any field.
Neurofeedback increases the level of performance, allowing your mind and body to let you do your very best. With Neurofeedback you can get: faster reaction time and speed, greater accuracy stamina, endurance and muscle strength, better game strategy, decision making and judgement, aggression control - maximise or minimise emotional blocks to performance, better use of imagery and performance boost for important matches. After an initial series of Neurofeedback sessions, people can usually maintain their performance level with only an occasional session, even with a minimum of one per year. A singer can get her act together, prior to performance, with a calming Neurofeedback session. The traveling diplomat can help reset his or her circadian clock with a strategy that includes Neurofeedback. The pilot booked on long-distance flights can ease the strain of time zone shifts with Neurofeedback. The graduate student petrified before his oral exams can prepare with a few sessions of training.
Relationship Boost
Being happy and positive is a key factor for making a relationship successful and exciting. Neurofeedback is able to train the limbic system, which is involved in one’s emotions and state of being. Improving the way you feel and embracing a positive outlook of any situation will be evident to you and those around you, therefore enhancing your interpersonal relationships. A relationship boost could mean to set in motion a more positive interaction with the people in your everyday life: your boss, your children, your partner and absolutely anyone with whom you hold an important connection. The limbic system in the brain controls many things including emotions. When emotions are controlled, relationships are given the boost to improve. The limbic system is interconnected with the nucleus accumbens, which is the pleasure centre of the brain. This part of the brain plays a role in sexual arousal; an important role for the relationship of any couple.
In Neurofeedback, the limbic system is trained for a better control of one’s emotions. Neurofeedback training can help couples who are having trouble, or are looking to improve their relationship. It can help mothers who have lost touch with their children due to their own emotional condition. It can simply harmonise an already positive relationship between one friend and another. Your mind’s potential to self-regulate and improve the way you feel can all be achieved through Neurofeedback; thus, allowing your brain to optimise and create affirmative association with others. While the beginning stages of a relationship feel exciting and effortless, successful long-term relationships require ongoing effort, better control of one’s emotions and positivity by both partners. Building healthy patterns in your relationship can establish a solid foundation.
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